Route Nr.1 – Trail to Tūja pier

From Riga till Tūja is 80 km. Once upon a time, the only pier or boat slipway like the one in Tūja was from Mangaļsala all the way to Ainaži. A track was built between the stacks and the brick factory in Tūja to transport the best quality bricks. In the post-war years, a fish processing factory was built on the bank of “Dzeņi”. From the parking lot you can go to Tuja pier. After the asphalt ends, the help of an assistant is needed. The trail is linear, it’s length is 740 m.

Route Nr.2 – Trail to Veczemju cliffs

Veczemju cliffs are the most impressive and colorful group of sandstone cliffs on the coast of Vidzeme. The waves have formed a steep bank up to 6 m high here, where red sandstone cliffs with shallow abrasive caves, niches, grottoes and other formations are exposed for several hundred meters.  Camping “Klintis” is located near the cliffs. The Trail is linear, it’s length in one direction is 450 m.

On the way to Ainaži you can eat in Tūja’s cafe “Liedags”

Can be viewed St. Maria Goreti Catholic Church in Salacgrīva

Get informational materials at the Salacgrīva’s tourist information center

Go shopping in Salacgrīva’s shop Top!

In Ainaži you can eat in a restaurant and spend the night in a hotel “Pļavas” ;


Wheelchair accessible with an assistant
Wheelchair accessible
Accessible to parents with baby-strollers


WC/dry closet
Guest house/hotel
Parking lot
Trash bins
Table/resting area/bench

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