The Library of the University of Latvia is a research library, a preserver and maintainer of intellectual values. The Library is included in the Register of Libraries of the Ministry of Culture and accredited as a library of national importance until 2027. The aim of the Library is to contribute to the fulfilment of the mission of the University by providing information resources and services necessary for the academic activities of the University. The structure of the Library consists of departments and branch libraries. Entrance to the library is through the courtyard. An assistant is needed to use the lift and there is a lift available. Access to the lift is provided. Wheelchair access is possible as there are no steps or thresholds in and between the rooms.

– Toilet facilities for people with reduced mobility

– Accessible for wheelchair users with an assistant


Wheelchair accessible with an assistant
Accessible to parents with baby-strollers


Chair lift
WC/dry closet

The Library of the University of Latvia is a research library, a preserver and maintainer of intellectual values. The Library is included in the Register of Libraries of the Ministry of Culture and accredited as a library of national importance until 2027. The aim of the Library is to contribute to the fulfilment of the mission of the University by providing information resources and services necessary for the academic activities of the University. The structure of the Library consists of departments and branch libraries. Entrance to the library is through the courtyard. An assistant is needed to use the lift and there is a lift available. Access to the lift is provided. Wheelchair access is possible as there are no steps or thresholds in and between the rooms.

– Toilet facilities for people with reduced mobility

– Accessible for wheelchair users with an assistant


Wheelchair accessible with an assistant
Accessible to parents with baby-strollers


Chair lift
WC/dry closet

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