The Mary Magdalene Catholic Church and Convent is a 13th-17th century architectural monument of national importance. Services are held in Latgalian, Latvian and English. The church has played a very important role in preserving the spiritual life and faith of Catholics during the communist years. There is an alternative entrance without a threshold. There is a call button on the street to summon help to enter the premises.

– Adapted disabled toilet opposite the church

– The church is accessible for people with reduced mobility with the help of an assistant


Wheelchair accessible with an assistant
Accessible to parents with baby-strollers

The Mary Magdalene Catholic Church and Convent is a 13th-17th century architectural monument of national importance. Services are held in Latgalian, Latvian and English. The church has played a very important role in preserving the spiritual life and faith of Catholics during the communist years. There is an alternative entrance without a threshold. There is a call button on the street to summon help to enter the premises.

– Adapted disabled toilet opposite the church

– The church is accessible for people with reduced mobility with the help of an assistant


Wheelchair accessible with an assistant
Accessible to parents with baby-strollers

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