Located in the historic, albeit renovated premises of the Red Cross hospital at Jāņa Asara street 3, the Diagnostics branch offers premium medical services at the highest standards of international excellence, performed by a team of well-trained and highly experienced proffessionals. The facilitty has been optimized for accessibility, with an invalid-friendly toilet at every floor, informative markings in Braille, plenty of space and a kind, responsive staff always ready to assist. The elevator is equipped with spekers announcing its present location.


Wheelchair accessible
Accessible to parents with baby-strollers
Blind guidance line/tactile information/tactile objects/information in Braille script


WC/dry closet

Located in the historic, albeit renovated premises of the Red Cross hospital at Jāņa Asara street 3, the Diagnostics branch offers premium medical services at the highest standards of international excellence, performed by a team of well-trained and highly experienced proffessionals. The facilitty has been optimized for accessibility, with an invalid-friendly toilet at every floor, informative markings in Braille, plenty of space and a kind, responsive staff always ready to assist. The elevator is equipped with spekers announcing its present location.


Wheelchair accessible
Accessible to parents with baby-strollers
Blind guidance line/tactile information/tactile objects/information in Braille script


WC/dry closet

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