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Storträski matkarada asub Helsingi läheduses ning kuulub Sipoonkorpi rahvuspargi alla. Sipoonkorpi metsi ümbritsevad niidud ja maalilised külad.

Puuetega inimestele ligipääsetav ja Storträski järveni viiv rada on 1 km pikkune ja 1,2 m laiune. Parklast leiate puuetega inimestele tähistatud parkimiskohad. Mõnede tõusude ja languste tõttu on matkarada nõudlik ning ratastooliga külastajad vajavad abistajat. Raja peal on mitmed puhkekohad. Järve äärest leiate puuetega inimestele ligipääsetava kuivkäimla, söögivalmistamise varjualuse ja piknikulauad.


Wheelchair accessible with an assistant
Accessible to parents with baby-strollers

Along the 90 m hill, there is a dangerous curve with a gradient of 24% sideways. Also, due to the topography, rainwater may sometimes create small ditches along the trail.

How to get there: Coming from Helsinki, take the highway E18 towards Porvoo. In the crossing between E18 and Highway 7, continue forward but immediately turn left, towards Länsisalmentie Road.  After 1 km, turn left onto Sotungintie Road. After 2 km, turn right onto Nybygyggetintie Road. There you will find the first signs. Follow the signs (2 km) to the parking lot along Tasakalliontie Road.


WC/dry closet
Fireplace site
Parking lot
Firewood available
Information board
Fishing allowed
Table/resting area/bench

No trash bins.

Fishing permits at Lake Storträsk: Café Kuusijärvi, T: +358 10 322 7090, E: info@cafekuusijarvi.fi, www.cafekuusijarvi.fi/english

Rules to follow

No trash bins
Dogs on leash
Plant picking forbidden

Download the GPX of the trail

In order to open the GPX file with the trail route on a mobile phone or computer, please install one of the hiking apps or maps, e.g., Wikiloc, Outdooractive, ViewRanger, OS Maps or any other GPX file reading programme or application.

Kuula raja tutvustust

Jaga heli

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Storträski matkarada asub Helsingi läheduses ning kuulub Sipoonkorpi rahvuspargi alla. Sipoonkorpi metsi ümbritsevad niidud ja maalilised külad.

Puuetega inimestele ligipääsetav ja Storträski järveni viiv rada on 1 km pikkune ja 1,2 m laiune. Parklast leiate puuetega inimestele tähistatud parkimiskohad. Mõnede tõusude ja languste tõttu on matkarada nõudlik ning ratastooliga külastajad vajavad abistajat. Raja peal on mitmed puhkekohad. Järve äärest leiate puuetega inimestele ligipääsetava kuivkäimla, söögivalmistamise varjualuse ja piknikulauad.


Wheelchair accessible with an assistant
Accessible to parents with baby-strollers

Along the 90 m hill, there is a dangerous curve with a gradient of 24% sideways. Also, due to the topography, rainwater may sometimes create small ditches along the trail.

How to get there: Coming from Helsinki, take the highway E18 towards Porvoo. In the crossing between E18 and Highway 7, continue forward but immediately turn left, towards Länsisalmentie Road.  After 1 km, turn left onto Sotungintie Road. After 2 km, turn right onto Nybygyggetintie Road. There you will find the first signs. Follow the signs (2 km) to the parking lot along Tasakalliontie Road.


WC/dry closet
Fireplace site
Parking lot
Firewood available
Information board
Fishing allowed
Table/resting area/bench

No trash bins.

Fishing permits at Lake Storträsk: Café Kuusijärvi, T: +358 10 322 7090, E: info@cafekuusijarvi.fi, www.cafekuusijarvi.fi/english

Rules to follow

No trash bins
Dogs on leash
Plant picking forbidden

Download the GPX of the trail

In order to open the GPX file with the trail route on a mobile phone or computer, please install one of the hiking apps or maps, e.g., Wikiloc, Outdooractive, ViewRanger, OS Maps or any other GPX file reading programme or application.

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