Vaata raja video:


Līgatne loodusrajad on heakorrastatud radade kogum Gauja (Koiva) rahvuspargi metsasel maastikul. Siin satud puutumatu looduse rüppe, kus saad näha mitmeid Läti metsloomaliike – karusid, rebaseid, ilveseid, põtru, hirvi, metskitsi, metssigu, mäkrasid, nugiseid, kährikuid, tuhkruid, jäneseid, oravaid, ka kakulisi.

Eri raskusastmega jalutusradasid on kokku 4–5 km ulatuses. Ratastooli kasutajatele on kohandatud kaks rajalõiku, mis saavad alguse loodushariduskeskuse „Pauguri” juurest: üks suunaga karude ulualuse (300 m) ja teine rebaste ulualuse (600 m) poole.


Wheelchair accessible with an assistant
Accessible to parents with baby-strollers

Puuetega inimesed võivad radade juurde siseneda autoga.

At some stretches there might be some tree roots and a small step at the start/end of the wooden boardwalk.


WC/dry closet
Parking lot
Trash bins
Information board
Table/resting area/bench
Catering (in summer season)
Amusement activities/playground/open-air gym devices

Entrance fee (free of charge for persons with disabilities). More info on prices and working hours:

Accessible WC – at the nature education centre “Pauguri” and Info Centre.

Rules to follow

Writing/painting forbidden
Pets forbidden

Do not feed the animals

Download the trail GPX

In order to open the GPX file with the trail route on a mobile phone or computer, please install one of the hiking apps or maps, e.g., Wikiloc, Outdooractive, ViewRanger, OS Maps or any other GPX file reading programme or application.

Vaata raja video:


Līgatne loodusrajad on heakorrastatud radade kogum Gauja (Koiva) rahvuspargi metsasel maastikul. Siin satud puutumatu looduse rüppe, kus saad näha mitmeid Läti metsloomaliike – karusid, rebaseid, ilveseid, põtru, hirvi, metskitsi, metssigu, mäkrasid, nugiseid, kährikuid, tuhkruid, jäneseid, oravaid, ka kakulisi.

Eri raskusastmega jalutusradasid on kokku 4–5 km ulatuses. Ratastooli kasutajatele on kohandatud kaks rajalõiku, mis saavad alguse loodushariduskeskuse „Pauguri” juurest: üks suunaga karude ulualuse (300 m) ja teine rebaste ulualuse (600 m) poole.


Wheelchair accessible with an assistant
Accessible to parents with baby-strollers

Puuetega inimesed võivad radade juurde siseneda autoga.

At some stretches there might be some tree roots and a small step at the start/end of the wooden boardwalk.


WC/dry closet
Parking lot
Trash bins
Information board
Table/resting area/bench
Catering (in summer season)
Amusement activities/playground/open-air gym devices

Entrance fee (free of charge for persons with disabilities). More info on prices and working hours:

Accessible WC – at the nature education centre “Pauguri” and Info Centre.

Rules to follow

Writing/painting forbidden
Pets forbidden

Do not feed the animals

Download the trail GPX

In order to open the GPX file with the trail route on a mobile phone or computer, please install one of the hiking apps or maps, e.g., Wikiloc, Outdooractive, ViewRanger, OS Maps or any other GPX file reading programme or application.

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