Vaata raja video:
Teijo rahvuspargi tõmbenumbrite hulka kuuluvad järved ja metsad, aga ka ajaloolised metallitöökülad, kus traditsiooniline käsitöö endiselt õitseb. Hea aimduse Teijost saate päevareisiga, külastades Jeturkasti ja Kariholma ligipääsetavaid matkaradasid. Kes soovib aga jääda kauemaks, see leiab hubase majutuse Mathildedali ja Kirjakkala küladest.
700 m pikk Jeturkasti matkarada (laiusega 2 m) lõpeb iidses mererannas. Tõusude ja languste tõttu on ratastooliga liikudes vajalik saatja abi. Raja ääres on mõned pingid. Merekaldal asub laudtee (17 m pikk, 1 m lai) lõpus väike vaateplatvorm (1,5 x 4,2 m).
How to get there: Arriving from Helsinki along the main road 51 you take the road 52 to the right at Tammisaari. After 32 km you reach the centre of Perniö commune where you turn to the left to the road 183. From there you follow the signs to the Teijo National Park, Matildanjärvi. You find the Jeturkasti parking lot about 2,2 km before the Mathildedal iron works village. There are signs to the Jeturkasti parking lot. Arriving from Turku and Salo drive on the road 1824 which goes along the coast from the town of Salo to the municipality of Kemiönsaari. On the way there are signs to Kirjakkala iron works village and road passes the Teijo iron works village before reaching Mathildedal iron works village. From there you continue Skoilantie for about 2,2 km – do not turn to the Teijo National Park, Matildanjärvi. There are signs to the Jeturkasti parking lot.
No trash bins. Closest accessible toilet is at the Nature Centre of the Teijo National Park, at Matildanjärvi, 2 km towards the Mathildedal village from the Jeturkasti parking lot.
Rules to follow
Download the GPX of the trail
In order to open the GPX file with the trail route on a mobile phone or computer, please install one of the hiking apps or maps, e.g., Wikiloc, Outdooractive, ViewRanger, OS Maps or any other GPX file reading programme or application.
12 Fotod
Photos: Alise Lūse, Jasmin Yuchun
Vaata raja video:
Teijo rahvuspargi tõmbenumbrite hulka kuuluvad järved ja metsad, aga ka ajaloolised metallitöökülad, kus traditsiooniline käsitöö endiselt õitseb. Hea aimduse Teijost saate päevareisiga, külastades Jeturkasti ja Kariholma ligipääsetavaid matkaradasid. Kes soovib aga jääda kauemaks, see leiab hubase majutuse Mathildedali ja Kirjakkala küladest.
700 m pikk Jeturkasti matkarada (laiusega 2 m) lõpeb iidses mererannas. Tõusude ja languste tõttu on ratastooliga liikudes vajalik saatja abi. Raja ääres on mõned pingid. Merekaldal asub laudtee (17 m pikk, 1 m lai) lõpus väike vaateplatvorm (1,5 x 4,2 m).
How to get there: Arriving from Helsinki along the main road 51 you take the road 52 to the right at Tammisaari. After 32 km you reach the centre of Perniö commune where you turn to the left to the road 183. From there you follow the signs to the Teijo National Park, Matildanjärvi. You find the Jeturkasti parking lot about 2,2 km before the Mathildedal iron works village. There are signs to the Jeturkasti parking lot. Arriving from Turku and Salo drive on the road 1824 which goes along the coast from the town of Salo to the municipality of Kemiönsaari. On the way there are signs to Kirjakkala iron works village and road passes the Teijo iron works village before reaching Mathildedal iron works village. From there you continue Skoilantie for about 2,2 km – do not turn to the Teijo National Park, Matildanjärvi. There are signs to the Jeturkasti parking lot.
No trash bins. Closest accessible toilet is at the Nature Centre of the Teijo National Park, at Matildanjärvi, 2 km towards the Mathildedal village from the Jeturkasti parking lot.
Rules to follow
Download the GPX of the trail
In order to open the GPX file with the trail route on a mobile phone or computer, please install one of the hiking apps or maps, e.g., Wikiloc, Outdooractive, ViewRanger, OS Maps or any other GPX file reading programme or application.
12 Fotod
Photos: Alise Lūse, Jasmin Yuchun