
Wheelchair accessible
Accessible to parents with baby-strollers


WC/dry closet

The cafe is located at the Valmiera sports stadium compound, itself named after the Latvian athlete Jāņis Daliņš, and located at Jāņa Daliņa street 2, next to the arena, the stadium hotel and the gym. The daily meal is always plentiful, to be savored after a long day of intense workouts. The café and toilet are accessible for invalids, however, emergency exits have not been likewise provided for.


Wheelchair accessible
Accessible to parents with baby-strollers


WC/dry closet

The cafe is located at the Valmiera sports stadium compound, itself named after the Latvian athlete Jāņis Daliņš, and located at Jāņa Daliņa street 2, next to the arena, the stadium hotel and the gym. The daily meal is always plentiful, to be savored after a long day of intense workouts. The café and toilet are accessible for invalids, however, emergency exits have not been likewise provided for.

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