This imposing church, whose begginigs date back to 1211, is the cathedral of Jānis Vanags, the sitting Lutheran archbishop of Riga. Having originally been built under Albert von Buxhoeven, the putative founder of Riga, this building is one of the largest, and considered the oldest among all the eclessical structures along the the Baltic coast. The Doms was the main church and seat of power in the Livonian confederation until its dissolution in until its dissolution in 1561 The cathedral displays combined elements of Romanesque, early gothic, baroque and even art nouveau architectural design. Although the building is indeed ancient, it has been made accessible to invalids, though not without an assistant’s help.


Wheelchair accessible with an assistant
Accessible to parents with baby-strollers


WC/dry closet

This imposing church, whose begginigs date back to 1211, is the cathedral of Jānis Vanags, the sitting Lutheran archbishop of Riga. Having originally been built under Albert von Buxhoeven, the putative founder of Riga, this building is one of the largest, and considered the oldest among all the eclessical structures along the the Baltic coast. The Doms was the main church and seat of power in the Livonian confederation until its dissolution in until its dissolution in 1561 The cathedral displays combined elements of Romanesque, early gothic, baroque and even art nouveau architectural design. Although the building is indeed ancient, it has been made accessible to invalids, though not without an assistant’s help.


Wheelchair accessible with an assistant
Accessible to parents with baby-strollers


WC/dry closet

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