
Wheelchair accessible
Accessible to parents with baby-strollers


WC/dry closet
Guest house/hotel
Parking lot

The hotel “Villa Santa” is located at Gauja Street 88 , which lies 5 km from the city centre. The hotel complex includes three buildings with a total of 30 rooms available. The hotel also has a restaurant. “Villa Santa” is located on the grounds of a historical sanatorium built in 1918. Guests therefore gain access to a garden, a terrace and a bar. This 4-star hotel offers free Wi-Fi and room service. The accommodation is part of the Gauja National Park and is just 300 meters from the river Gauja.

-The hotel, parking lot and toilet are accessible to people with mobility impairments

– Access between floors is available by elevator


Wheelchair accessible
Accessible to parents with baby-strollers


WC/dry closet
Guest house/hotel
Parking lot

The hotel “Villa Santa” is located at Gauja Street 88 , which lies 5 km from the city centre. The hotel complex includes three buildings with a total of 30 rooms available. The hotel also has a restaurant. “Villa Santa” is located on the grounds of a historical sanatorium built in 1918. Guests therefore gain access to a garden, a terrace and a bar. This 4-star hotel offers free Wi-Fi and room service. The accommodation is part of the Gauja National Park and is just 300 meters from the river Gauja.

-The hotel, parking lot and toilet are accessible to people with mobility impairments

– Access between floors is available by elevator

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