
Wheelchair accessible
Accessible to parents with baby-strollers


WC/dry closet
Guest house/hotel (at the city)
Parking lot
Catering (at the city)

The hotel is lodged in a magnificent building that dates back as far as 1901, and has preserved much of its historical Art Noveau architectural style. It is located next to both the Riga Central railroad station, as well as the shopping centre “Origo”. Having first opened its doors in 2014, the hotel offers free WIFI coverage, a restaurant, as well as SPA facilities, and a sports club. The Mercure hotel is accessible to invalids, and DOES permit pets. A secure car park is provided for all guests, whether staying in regular or deluxe suites.


Wheelchair accessible
Accessible to parents with baby-strollers


WC/dry closet
Guest house/hotel (at the city)
Parking lot
Catering (at the city)

The hotel is lodged in a magnificent building that dates back as far as 1901, and has preserved much of its historical Art Noveau architectural style. It is located next to both the Riga Central railroad station, as well as the shopping centre “Origo”. Having first opened its doors in 2014, the hotel offers free WIFI coverage, a restaurant, as well as SPA facilities, and a sports club. The Mercure hotel is accessible to invalids, and DOES permit pets. A secure car park is provided for all guests, whether staying in regular or deluxe suites.

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